Saturday, August 4, 2012

Community Radio TECHNIAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT in Bangladesh




Enhancing Rural Communication Services for
Agricultural Development through Community Rural Radio


                                                                                                          Supported by: FAO

Submitted by:

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)

Introduction: In December 2010, a Letter of Agreement (LOA) was signed by Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations for the provision of technical assistance to the project TCP/BGD 3205 “Enhancing Rural Communication Services for Agricultural Development through Community Rural Radio” in Bangladesh. The overall purpose of this agreement is to provide technical assistance to the project (TCP/BGD/3205) for the implementation of rural radio and communication services in Bangladesh under the direct supervision and leadership of Agricultural Information Services (AIS) of Ministry of Agriculture.

To achieve this purpose, within a period of 13 months, BNNRC assignment falls in the following key areas:

·         Provision of technical assistance to the design, installation and management of a Community Rural Radio (CRR) at local level.
·         Support to the implementation of communication strategies and plans at both national and local level, including the provision of policy advice for the institutionalization of CRR services for rural development.
·         Design, production and broadcasting of radio programmes and use of multimedia communication materials at the field level.
·         Provision of ad-hoc training on radio programming, production, equipment management and maintenance to project stakeholders at different levels.

During its course of implementation, BNNRC will take lead, support and assist AIS (the implementing agency) and CDC (Community Development College of Philippine, another institute for technical guidance) to produce number of significant outputs/deliverables within the project period. Some of those are mentioned as below:

i)                    A detailed work plan and time schedule for the activities to be carried out by BNNRC under this LoA.
ii)                  In consultation with NPD, Lead Consultant and CDC- revise and finalize detailed project work plan and time schedule, operational strategy, list of priority activities, as well as technical and physical inputs required.
iii)                A baseline survey conducted in project pilot areas.
iv)               Technical documents pertaining the technological aspects e.g. selection of equipment and infrastructure for communication activities, assessment of best options for the application of rural radio, ICTs and other media. 
v)                 Assist CDC in assessing the training needs and develop an overall training plan in cooperation with local CR staff, volunteers and other stakeholders in order to train national and local staff.
vi)                Ad-hoc training provided to project stakeholders on the following topics :(a) Rural Radio as a communication medium and Radio Broadcasting Process, equipment and facilities (b) Participatory Strategies and Partnering for Community Rural Radio,(c) Radio Broadcasting skills: Broadcast speech, performance and Scriptwriting,(d) Community Radio Programme Formats, Planning and Development,(e) Management and Program Sustainability of Community Rural Radio.
vii)               A CRR Program schedule and a series of radio programs and multimedia materials.
viii)              In collaboration with DAE, AIS and specialized technical institutes like CDC, develop feasibility studies for the establishment of RCS and CRR both at the institutional and local level.
ix)                Produce periodic Reports (Activity progress, field observation etc.)


A. Preparatory Activities:

The Preparatory phase includes signing of the Contract with FAO, engagement of staff, staff briefing, contact and meeting with project-related staffs (and consultants) of AIS, CDC and FAO and submission of a work plan to FAO.

BNNRC has signed the Letter of Agreement with FAO on 7th December 2011.Immediately it deployed staff and a briefing was done for its staff internally at BNNRC office premises. Several initial meetings and interactions were taken place with officials of Agriculture Information Services, FAO and CDC on their missions.02 consultants (Cloefe Torres and Marie Stella) of CDC along with National Project Director Mr. Jahangir Alam visited BNNRC office in their 2nd mission at February 2011.      

In cooperation with CDC, a work plan indicating what activities will be undertaken by BNNRC to comply with its TOR has been prepared and submitted to FAO (Bangladesh Office), although there were provisions to further improve and review of the work plan.

B. Technical Supervision and Supports in CRR installation and Implementation of CRR in Amtali

One of the important components of BNNRC contract is to provide technical guidance/assistance to AIS throughout the process of CR installation and implementation. As part of this assignment, BNNRC has deployed 02 experienced radio Engineers to fulfill the task.01 Radio Engineer has been engaged from the start of contract period and another was engaged at the later part of the task.

i)Assessment of Site

He has started his work through an assessment of site by visiting and on-site interaction with stakeholders. His assessment considered physical (noise, accessibility, appropriateness of building), biophysical (flooding, antenna obstruction) and socio-cultural aspects of the site. The catchment /broadcasting area map was drawn accordingly (Drawing attached.)

(ii) Supervise building renovation

In collaboration with the construction contractor (engaged by FAO) and consultation with National Project Director (NPD-AIS), he was actively involved in preparing and revising the blueprint of studio building including layout, room measurement, entry/exit, window location etc. He has supervised the on-going renovation work of the building, documented key problems/solutions during actual building repair and submitted observational progress reports (with recommendations) to NPD and FAO Country office. In cooperation with CDC Consultants, he has conducted and prepared report on final inspection of renovated building and finally ensured that the accomplished construction/renovation work of the building is suitable for transmitter and studio-set up.

iii) Supervise Acoustic Treatment for Renovated CRR Building

BNNRC technical expert has reviewed an earlier version of estimate (& specification) for Acoustic treatment of the studio. A design has been prepared and the whole work has been re-estimated. Accordingly, a specialized company has been selected and engaged in acoustic treatment work.BNNRC technical expert has provided inputs throughout the whole process including procurement, delivery and inspection of materials for acoustic treatment.

iv) Supervise Studio set up

BNNRC Engineer has prepared and submitted design and layout of CRR Amtali studio.  The Studio design & layout included:

  • Broadcast studio
  • Floor Plan
  • Transmission room (to contain FM transmitter, patch bays & others)
  • Production & Editing studio
  • Conference/meeting room
  • Learning Resource Center
  • Toilet/Bath room etc.

Besides, the expert provided inputs in finalization of draft inventory of studio broadcast and production equipment.

v) Supervise Progress in Tower & Antenna set up

 In cooperation with AIS project officials and technical consultants of FAO, BNNRC Technical expert (Engineer) has finalized the location of Tower and Antenna set up and guided the construction contractor in construction work accordingly. Simultaneously, in cooperation with CDC consultants the technical specifications of those tower and antenna have been determined.

vi) Studio & Antenna set up and third party verification

To make the technical supervision more transparent and participatory, BNNRC team made several visits in CRR Amtali location and discussed several times with NPD, Lead technical consultants and CDC consultants during their mission visits in Bangladesh.Altogether 10 visits have been made by the technical experts.

Steps have been taken according to the recommendations made by BNNRC expert engineer during his last visit. Acoustic works have been finished and the antenna was set up. Emergency exit windows have been re-fixed, pertex re-set and steps taken to install power supply provisions and fire-protection measures.

WEBEL Mediatronics Limited (WML) of India supplied the transmitter and other related equipment. Immediately after the transmitter reached at station site, third party verification has been done. Both CDC and BNNRC experts jointly visited the station site and took part in third party verification process.

The Inspection Team included Consultants as follows:

  • Professor Marie Stella C.Tirol, CDC
  • B.Mr.Abhishek Ghosh Dastidar, WML
  • C.Md.Shazada Selim, BNNRC

The Team has submitted the report which mentioned the comment like: “The inspected items are in proper packed and found physically in good condition.”  

Later, the transmitter has been set up and tested for broadcasting on 25th November 2011.

C. Baseline Survey in CRR Area-Amtali

BNNRC has led the process of conducting a baseline survey in CRR-Amtoli area. Since no audience study has been done so far in Amtoli, Barguna District of Barisal Division, it is quite justified to do so to understand and assess the level and status of understanding of community listening habits, preferences, information needs, mass media and information and communication technology (ICT) use, and participation in community radio broadcasting. It was expected that the results of this audience study would provide a general profile of the potential CRR- audiences specifically in Amtoli. This profile would be used in directing the thrusts of the community radio station as well as in strategically planning the station’s programming.
Throughout the months-March and April, BNNRC, in cooperation with CDC, AIS and FAO (country office) finalized Methodology, respondents, survey area, questionnaire and timeline of Baseline Survey. The chronological order of the survey tasks include: orientation of the surveyors, data collection, FGDs and KIIs, data processing (Classifying, coding, tabulating data and analysis), Writing/drafting the Survey report, Report Presentation and feedback received from the experts, submission of Final report. CDPR (Center for Policy and Research), a reputed research institution based in Dhaka University was engaged to accomplish the baseline survey assignment. A group of young researchers, headed by Dr.Ashraf Mahfuz, a scholar and a teacher of MIS Department of Dhaka University took charge of the task. An orientation was organized on May 19, 2011 at NSS Training Center, Amtali with the field surveyors. 

The final editing was now in progress to make the research a printable version. Other progress is also made for printing of the report.

D. Training conducted:

During the time, AIS Project team under guidance of technical consultants of FAO has conducted a TNA (Training Need Assessment) and submitted to CDC, which the consultants have finalized by providing additional inputs. Accordingly, the dates and training schedules have been finalized. The training for the first batch has been started on 27th December on –“Community Radio Program Production Process”.

03 other trainings were conducted as per the following schedule:

  1. Radio Program Planning Process(03-6th December)
  2. Broadcast performance or performing techniques in audio(07-8th December)
  3. Community Rural Radio Management and Sustainability(09-14 December)


E. CRR staffs received training by BNNRC

08 AIS Staffs (Staff of Community Rural Radio Project) received training from BNNRC throughout the period from March-July 2011 through BNNRC’s capacity development initiatives supported by other donor agencies.
AIS Participant: Name & Designation
Course Title
Md.Saidur Rahman
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)

Md.Nazrul Islam Shikdar
Station Manager
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Community Radio Station Management Training
IDB Bhaban,Agargaon,Dhaka
March 16-20 2011
Md.Zahid Hossain
Program Producer
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)

Md.Zakir Khan
Script Writer
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Community Radio Content Development Skills
National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC).
April  07-11 2011
Md.Zakir Khan
Script Writer
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Community Radio Production Skills Training
National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC).
April  15-19 2011
Technical Participant
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Community Radio Basic Journalism Skills Training
National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC).
May 15-19 2011

Md.Saidur Rahman
Community Rural Radio(Krishi Radio)
Editing and Broadcasting skills for Producers of Community Radio-1
National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC).
July 09-13

F. BNNRC’s participation in developing RCS 

Under the leadership of CDC and AIS, BNNRC took part in developing/strengthening/sustainability process of RCS at national and local level. This will include the following:

-       Assist LTA and CM in mapping of stakeholders in RCS and CRR by providing information on possible institutions
-       Participate in the national RCS national workshop and local communication planning by bringing in the role of CRR
-       Conduct consultations with stakeholders for creation of Local Communication Management Committee (LCMC)

As part of this process, BNNRC representative participated in National Planning Workshop for Rural Communication Services on April 5-7, 2011 at the IDB Bhaban Conference Hall in Dhaka; Bangladesh.BNNRC also took active part in organizing the workshop. Skeletal communication for development (ComDev) plans which include Vision, Mission, and Goal (VMG) have been formulated in four project areas, namely, 1) agriculture; 2) forestry and environment; 3) culture and education; and 4) rural development as the key workshop output. The terms of reference (TOR) and resolution for the Rural Communication Services (RCS) have been approved by the workshop participants. An initial RCS core group was formed during the workshop where BNNRC has also been included as an active member. 

BNNRC representative also participated in RCS-CRR Project Introductory Meeting and Dialogue among Stakeholders, conducted on April 11, 2011 at the Upazila Conference Hall in Amtali.

Other than these BNNRC representative also attended in Project Coordination Meeting and periodic de-briefing sessions of CDC at NPD office on regular basis.

BNNRC has also provided support to AIS in getting the spectrum allocation from BTRC.

G.Problems faced and lessons learnt:

The project got a kick-off a bit later than the original time-pan. This led BNNRC to reschedule and its activities than the original time-line and ToR. Some of the plans (e.g.accoustic treatment) have been revised .The renovation/construction work also passed through a change process. BNNRC has to accommodate all those.
There are yet many things to do to link up this community media to the benefit of the wider audience.

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