Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
The following goals and targets have
been determined in millennium development goal declaration of United Nation’s
general assembly in September 2000 and which have to be achieved by 2015.
Amongst all, one of the targets of 8th goal is to make available
Information and Communication Technology or the gifts and advantages of ICT for
all. Despite Community Radio being a constituent of Information and
Communication Technology, it, side by side of this target, can play a
supportive role to attain the other goals of MDG.
Some preambles as regards the
supportive role of Community Radio have been given precisely in the following
table in the sphere of millennium development goals. Community radio workers
should know where and how the matters are being gone as to achieve different
targets of millennium development goals; in addition, they should know how much
optimistic and potential the real picture of that. Community Radio workers
should evaluate MDG statistics and paper based reports in the light of the rate
of human resource development and find out how much the success of achieving
MDG has reached to the doorstep of marginal rural people. By means of this
radio program and reports, rural community people, in one sense, will be
conscious of their rights and in another sense, the concerned departments of
the government will be responsible for accountability in conveying the benefits
of MDG which will take all forth to attain development goals.
Millennium Development Goals
Role of Community
Goal 01
Eradication of
acute poverty and hunger
- To
ensure availability of information regarding market and employment and
to assist poor farmers and primary/ petty businessmen with the information
for marketing their products.
- To
air information in easily understandable language as to the development
of life and livelihood of rural people.
- To
increase dexterity/skill of rural farmers/stakeholders and ensure more access
in open and competitive market.
- To
increase participatory skill of rural people/ manpower and arrange talks
and discussions for ensuring appropriate use of comparative facilities.
- To
air public and private social security service related matters which
will be subject to availability.
- To
air information regarding right of minimum wages and arrange talks and
discussions with concerned departments.
- To
give information and motivate the marginal community people for wage
increase and alternative employment.
- To
increase production for ensuring food security/ food sovereignty and
give useful information for balanced distribution and raising social
Goal 02
Achieving primary
education salutary to everyone
Goal 03
Gender equality and
Goal 04
Diminishing child
mortality rate
Goal 05
Promoting maternal
health care
Goal 06
Resistance of HIV/
AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
- To
air information regarding the program of Achieving Primary Education for
all and giving information locally concerning what should be done.
- To
increase the number of trained teachers and their standard, skill etc.
and enhance mutual cooperation among them by means of “Distance Course” on Community Radio.
- To
ensure availability of messages and information of education ministry
and its related institutions regarding the development of information
and communication based skill to the rural community people.
- To
arrange program with the help of appropriate technology regarding
education and literacy and increase the participation of poor women and
girl child under this program.
- To increase mass awareness regarding
gender equality and sensitivity upon the women and change the existing
thought /idea about women by means of community radio.
- Giving
publicity to every information to stop child mortality.
- To
increase skill of the health workers by offering essential information
regarding life long education.
- To
air information in easily understandable language regarding maternal and
child disease and malnutrition.
- To
air program about child and maternal health care.
- To
increase the support for rural primary health workers supplied by the
specialists and enhance access to modern technology to detect/ diagnose
- Giving
wide range of publicity and to arrange talks and discussion programs
regarding primary health care information.
- To
make available the message of different organizations’ services to rural
community people at upa zilla and union level for the development of
skill regarding primary health care.
- To
broadcast the required and avoiding things for community people to
resist HIV/ AIDS.
- To
increase access to information for general people regarding resistance
of HIV/ AIDS, maternity health and others by means of broadcasting
programs in colloquial /regional language.
- To
bring different information into sight of the people in an extensive
range concerning malaria and other regional diseases by telecasting
program in local/ regional language.
- Giving
scientific information about physical and mental development of the adolescent
boys and girls who are having their puberty and to motivate community
people for practising sympathetic and friendly behavior with them.
Goal 07
sustainability of environment
Goal 08
Participation for Development
- To
telecast program about things to be done by community people for
sustainable development regarding agriculture, sanitation, water
management and social afforestation projects.
- To
give easy explanation of laws concerning saving environment and telecast
programs about things to be done by community people in this context.
- Raising awareness with coordinated
efforts on agriculture: congenial to environment e.g. bio fertilizer
(compost), native seeds, control of plants’ distresses etc.
- Making
a connection between community people and policy makers, farmers and
advocacy groups.
- Making
the people aware of climate change and its influence and in what state the
climatic condition should exist, and offering information to be done.
- Chalking
out different programs and arrange talks and discussion courses in local
language for facing ‘natural calamity/ disaster’ and what should be done
prior to disaster, posterior to disaster, at the time of disaster etc.
- Awaking
the local community people with a view to ensuring their responsible
participation for saving natural resources.
- To
broadcast information regarding what should be done by the community
people in taking the positive influences and avoiding the negatives of
‘global economy’.
- To
telecast programs by means of using information and communication
technology to lessen digital divide and knowledge divide and to offer
knowledge at rural level.
- To
telecast the importance of creating employment opportunity and side by
side increase of tele- density by setting up tele-centers in an
extensive scale.
- Creating
awareness regarding what should be done by the community people in
confronting the challenge of ‘global economy’.
- To
collect information at rural level about medicinal plant and related community
knowledge for making medicine with them and play a part to enhance
ability /potential of rural people in taking care of health by using
that information and to emphasize
about how Information & Communication Technology can play a perfect
role in this context.
- To
telecast the importance of increasing literacy rate by means of E-
learning system in order that the literacy rate of rural community
people may be increased and also telecast program in an wide range how
they can take an active part to develop the standard of living.
- To
create enthusiasm in community people to the extensive use of
Information & Communication Technology by means of broadcasting
program by ‘community radio’.
- To
create mass awareness about the given fund/ assistance/ donation of
developed /donor countries as per commitment and also create awareness regarding
the role of rural community people in proper materialization of that
donation/ assistance.
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