Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dhaka Bangladesh 8 May 2014

H E Joe Hockey MP
Hon’ble Treasurer of Commonwealth of Australia
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia

Subject:           Regarding Ensure a Future for Community Broadcasting by making sure Funding to Community Radio Stations is not cut in the upcoming Budget - or anytime in the future in Australia.

Dear Hon’ble Minister,
Greetings from Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
BNNRC is in special consultative status with Economic and Social Council of United Nations.

BNNRC represents the community media sector (Community radio, Community TV and Community film) to Government, Industry, Regulatory Bodies, Media and Development Partners in Bangladesh.

We know how vital community radio stations are for millions of Australians like us in Bangladesh, which is why we are so concerned about the Commission of Audit's recommendation that funding for the Community Broadcasting Program be abolished.

Without funding, our community radio stations could be forced off air. We would be very happy if you to ensure a future for community broadcasting by making sure funding to our community radio stations is not cut in the upcoming budget - or anytime in the future.

Community radio provides vital content for so many different communities, especially Indigenous, ethnic, seniors, youth, the vision impaired, religious, and the arts. We can't afford to lose any of the stations who provide the local content that commercial and public broadcasters can't or won't cater for.

We are hopeful that you and the Federal Government can see the Commission of Audit's recommendation for what it is - a sure fire way to undo the vital work community broadcasting has done to promote the identities of local communities and the invaluable contribution it makes to social inclusion.

With over five million Australians tuning in every week, community radio is integral to Australia's broadcasting landscape. It's critical for media diversity, specialist programming and promoting local Australian content. Government cuts to funding would cripple the community broadcasting sector's operations and development and leave millions of Australians without access to the media content they rely on.

Please commit to keeping our community radio stations on air in Australia.
With best regards,

AHM Bazlur Rahman- S21BR
Chief Executive Officer |

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