Thursday, February 14, 2013

The world Radio day celebration: National Seminar held at Dhaka, Bangladesh by World Radio day 2013 Observation National Committee

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“The findings of this seminar will be summarized and then submitted to Ministry of Information for taking further steps.”This has been told by Mr.Kazi Akhtaruddin Ahmed (Additional Secretary), Director General of Bangladesh Betar and Convenor of World Radio day Celebration Committee of Bangladesh in a seminar held at Bangladesh Betar Auditorium at 3-30 pm on February 13, 2013. He has presided over the seminar on the occasion of World Radio day Celebration in Bangladesh. Entitled as: “Challenges and prospects of Radio on Global Context ,the seminar was moderated by Mr.Salahuddin Ahmed,Director(Program),Bangladesh Betar and Member Secretary, World Radio day Celebration Committee.

After recitation from the Holy Quran, the moderator welcomed the participants and invited Mr.Sabbir Mostafa, Head, BBC Bangla Service to say something in the occassion. Mr.Mostafa reminded the long-standing partnership of Bangladesh Betar with BBC.He has called for collaborative work between BBC and Radio stations of Bangladesh. The working session of the seminar included presentations of 4 key note speakers. The 1st key note presentation was on the “Community Radio situation in Bangladesh-challenges and scopes”, which was presented by Mr.AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO, BNNRC.In the presentation; he described the present status of 14 community radio stations of the country, their achievements, challenges and future prospects. He called for the need of capacity building of neo-media professionals in community radio sector and to form an integrated platform by all types of Radio broadcasting-public, private-owned and community radio stations. His presentation was followed by Mr. Shams Suman, vetran actor and station chief, Radio Bhumi.In his presentation; he eloquently described the characteristics, the diversity and challenges of private-owned FM Radio stations. He has mentioned some of the regulatory limitations and identified some points of the related policy to immediately review. He has emphasized to set up a central training center and recommended to create a common platform for all radio stations so that they can share their knowledge, experience and expertise.

At the end of 2 presentations, Mr, Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul, CEO, Boisakhi Television and a reputed media personality of the country was invited to reflect on the two presentations. In his reflection, Mr.Bulbul appreciated the Community Radio Initiators that they are producing a group of young media professionals and thus add qualitative growth in the whole of media sector. He called for proper care and nourishment of this sector.Mr.Bulbul also reflected on the regulatory weakness that Mr. Shams Suman pointed in his presentation and drew the attention of policy makers to take those into account. He referred to RTI law and described the radio sector as a powerful media to implement this law. He has emphasized on capacity building of the Radio professionals by setting up a central training center in the country. He has also supported the idea of creating a common platform that has been presented by the 2 presenters. 

The 3rd presentation was done by Lt.Colonel Mohammad Sajjad Hossain, Director, Spectrum Division, BTRC.His presentation covered the “problems, prospects and challenges of Radio in the contemporary world from the perspective of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).In his technical presentation, he mentioned the immense potential of growing more community radio stations, web radio and campus radio in the country. He said that on-line media policy (which is now in the process) would facilitate the growth of the sector. His presentation was followed by Mr.Ahmed Reza, Professor, Dept.of English, Jahangirnagar university, in which he has described the historical role of Bangladesh Betar, its challenges and future scopes. At this stage, Mr.Ashfaqur Rahman Khan, former Deputy Director General (Program) of Bangladesh Betar was invited to reflect on these 2 presentations. He appreciated the quality and significance of the presentations. He has also supported counting the number of mobile users (9 crore) ,is now increasely becoming the radio listeners. He mentioned the need of Audience Survey for designing any new program and introducing any new technology in the sector.

After the presentation and reflection sessions 02 former Radio personalities of the country-Poet Ms.Kazi Rozy and renowned musician composer Azad Rahman-were invited on the dias to share some of their feelings in this occassion.Both of them thanked DG and his team to organize such a wonderful program of celebration and gave them scopes to meet their former colleagues and others.

In his brief concluding remarks Mr.Kazi Akhtaruddin Ahmed thanked all the participants to give their patient hearing to the seminar. He hoped for wider audience, diversity, reach to the voiceless and a more successful future of Radio in the country.

The seminar was dedicated to the initiators of Bangladesh Betar,that once started as “Dhaka Dhanibistar Kendra”73 years back(on 16 December,1939).The audience observed 1 minute silence in honor of those initiators.
The seminar was followed by a cultural program and dinner.  


AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR | Chief Executive Officer |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council]

House: 13/1, Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207  Bangladesh
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