We have entered in a new generation of technologies namely the fourth Industrial revolution (4thIR). This new generation of new technologies advancements is merging our physical, digital and biological worlds unlike any time before. This is a huge transformation for the world including Bangladesh and again a big challenge for us as well.
This transformation is a place where there are unbelievable uncertainty transition and controversy. This transformation will change the relationship between individuals to individuals, governments to governments and institutions to institutions that will affect the global national and local system of the governance system and way of living.
The shaping of the future of the media, information and entertainment world will also be a new phenomenon in the era of the fourth industrial revolution (4thIR). This new form can’t be untouched our community radio. So the question is what will be the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in our community radio and how community radio will survive?
Community Radio has to face new challenges in the era of the 4th Industrial revolution. Meanwhile, the effect has been started on the Community Radios. Day by day the numbers of listeners are decreasing. The listeners are interested in video contents. Next 2 or 3 years the listeners will be interested to watch video contents with increasing 95 percent instead of audio content. 5G is prevailing in the country. Digital broadcasting has to be undertaken for Community Radio.
The rural community will mostly be affected by the 4th Industrial revolution. Due to technological development, the employment opportunity in the agricultural sector will be reduced gradually and there will be a change in the production system. Under these circumstances, the Community Radios will have to think and broadcast programs for increasing education, creativity, and new skills of the listeners and upgrading their skills which apply to the modern age.
We believe that for increasing participatory education, creativity and skills of the rural community online Community Television will be established side by side Community Radio for addressing the fourth industrial revolution. Community Radio will help to online Community Television and online television will help to Community Radio.
For addressing the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution we should realize the issue in a justified manner for the existence of the broadcasting of Community Radio is essential. Side by side we should adapt to the issue and welcome fourth industrial revolution.
Steps to be taken and seek your attention;
a. Immediately start for online Community Television side by side of Community Radio
b. Immediate action for internet-based broadcasting of Community Radio and live broadcasting of community radio through internet & through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Provide training for all Community broadcasters for re-skilling and up-grading of their knowledge, skills, and attitude.
c. Importance should be given on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related education for the broadcasting of Community Radio.
d. Appoint a full-time Producer for collection and broadcasting of advertisement for Community Radio and Online Community Television.
e. Ensure and increasing of participation of the listeners of all walks of life including multi-generation reaches through multi-media presence.
We solicit your special cooperation for strengthening Community Radio Broadcasting sector for adapting challenges in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution with new ideas and advice!
AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR | Chief Executive Officer |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations]
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations]
Research Fellow, Shaping the Future of Media, Information & Entertainment in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
(4th IR)
(4th IR)
House: 9/4 Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207| Bangladesh|
Phone: +88-02-9130750| 9101479 | +88 01711881647
Fax: 88-02-9138501 | ceo@bnnrc.net | bnnrcbd@gmail.com |
Phone: +88-02-9130750| 9101479 | +88 01711881647
Fax: 88-02-9138501 | ceo@bnnrc.net | bnnrcbd@gmail.com |