Thursday, June 1, 2017

Two Projects of Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication has recognised as a Champions in UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2017

Two Projects of Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication has recognised as a Champions in UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2017

International Telecommunication Union(ITU) announced 90 Champions of the prestigious WSIS Prizes contest while the 18 Winners, out of these 90 Champions, will be recognized at a ceremony at Geneva International Conference Centre on 13 June, as part of the annual WSIS Forum 2017 (12 - 16 June).
Two Projects from BNNRC has recognised as a Champions of the prestigious WSIS Prizes contest

WSIS Prizes honor outstanding projects that leverage the power of information and communication technology (ICT) to accelerate socio-economic development. Besides the highlighted relevance of the project to the respective WSIS Action Line as referenced in the Geneva Plan of Action, the selection process was based on the project's impact on the community and linkages with the Sustainable Development.
345 ICT success stories from around the world were nominated for the Online Voting Phase (30 March – 30 April) following a comprehensive review by the Expert Group of 467 submitted projects submitted by the WSIS Stakeholder community. Based on the results of the intensive Online Voting Phase, which saw over 1.1 million votes cast by WSIS stakeholders, a selection of winning projects was made by the Expert Group.
The eighteen winners will go on to win WSIS Prizes 2017 and will be presented with an award at the WSIS Prizes ceremony during the WSIS Forum 2017, 12-16 June 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. At the same occasion, 72 WSIS Prize 2017 Champions (first four runner-up projects in each category) will be recognized during the special ceremony dedicated to their success and will receive special certificates of achievement.
Out of 345 nominated projects, based on regional distribution, there are:
49 projects are from the Africa region
45 projects from the Americas region
78 projects are from the Arab region
88 projects from the Asia and Pacific region
41 projects from the CIS region
42 projects from the Europe region
5 nominated projects come from international organizations
Out of 345 nominated projects, based on entity distribution, there are:
145 from the government sector
78 from business sector
56 from civil society
22 from international organizations
47 from other entities

Community Radio Broadcasters Selected for Professional Fellowship on Community Radio from a Digital Foundation in Oklahoma University, US

Community Radio based English Language learning has a great potential that reduces the gap between urban and rural settings of their families lives. English Language through Community Radio has become one of the most popular programs of the community radios in Bangladesh. Listeners’ numbers are increasing day by day; more than 300 English language trained rural teachers are now working with the Community Radio station as a resource broadcasters.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has Piloted the project in one Community Radio station in 2012, then the project was replicated in another 4 community radio stations and finally the project have been replicating in all 17 community radio stations since 2015 with support from The American Center, Dhaka through American English Radio Project (AERP). AERP is making it easy for teachers and listeners to incorporate activities and practices into their lessons using 17 Community Radio station in rural Bangladesh
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication of University of Oklahoma in collaboration with United States Embassy in Dhaka and Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) is to host a five-week professional exchange on Community Radio from a Digital Foundation in the United States of America that includes a professional fellowship placement at an American small business organization.
Community Radio from a Digital Foundation is funded by the U. S. Embassy in Dhaka will inject Bangladesh Community Radio Broadcasters into working community radio stations in Oklahoma and associate them with one of the America’s leading universities. The program aims to provide professional experience and training that will nurture participants’ talent and prepare them for more responsible leadership positions in their organizations, communities, and society in general.
Five Community broadcasters from 3 Community radio stations along with Coordinator, American English Radio Project of BNNRC will avail the opportunity. The title of the program is “Community Radio from a Digital Foundation”. The program will be started on June 30, 2017 and concluded by August 04, 2017.
The American Center, Dhaka and Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) have invited applications for the fellowship from the 1st and 2nd piloted 5 community radio stations.
A total of 15 Community Radio Broadcasters have submitted their application and 5 participants from three radio stations were finally selected for the program through day long examination. Categorically 2 Station Managers, 2 producers and one local English Language teacher along with Coordinator, American English Radio Project (AERP) of BNNRC will participate in the Community Radio from a Digital Foundation program.
The participants are Ms. Shahana Parveen, Station Manager, and Ms. Ayesha Siddika Anu, Producer & Presenter, Community Radio Padma 99.2, Rajshahi, Mr. Mehedi Hasan, Station Manager, and Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman, Producer & Focal, Community Radio Pollikontho 99.2, Moulvibazar. Mr. Swapon Kumar Biswas, Facilitator, Community Radio Jhenuk 99.2, Jhenaidah and Mr. Mark Manash Saha, Coordinator, American English Radio Project (AERP) of Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
Six member Bangladeshi Community Broadcasters will be pleased in professional placements with the Oklahoman community radio stations and will spend three weeks with these organization.
The first week of the program will be spend at both the placements and on the Gaylord Collage of Journalism and Mass Communication of University of Oklahoma campus where Bangladeshi Community Broadcasters will participate in lecture, discussion and practical session focused on the role of community media, media in society, strategic communication, leadership and management principles, social media developments, the media/government interface and media ethics.
The final week of the program will be spent in Washington, D.C. where Bangladeshi Community Broadcasters will visit the Bangladesh Embassy, media organizations and tour some of the cultural activities the city has to offer.
The English Language program through Community Radio project has recognized as Champions in UN World Summit on the Information Society (UN WSIS) Prizes 2017. This is a great opportunity, honor and recognition for the community radio in Bangladesh and as well as around the world in line with voices for the voiceless and voices to be heard.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) actively works to improve the recognition of the community electronic media sector [Community Radio, Community TV, and Community Film] in Bangladesh with support from Free Press Unlimited.

Seven Community Radio Stations in the Coastal areas of Bangladesh Broadcast 176 Hours Radio Programs to address Cyclone storm MORA

Since May 29, 2017, Seven Community Radio Stations in coastal region of Bangladesh were broadcasted a total of 176 hour radio programs continuously to aware the community people to take preventive measures to address the Cyclone storm MORA.
The content of the radio programs were focused on the preparedness before, during and the post stages of the disaster for saving peoples’ life and assets. Besides, the public service announcements were also broadcasted in line with Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
The Community Radio Program were the updated weather bulletins forecasted by BANGLADESH METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT in every 15 minutes interval, Public Service Announcements, drama, prior preparatory activities for facing the cyclone, news, interviews, magazine program etc.
Interviews of Disaster expert in line with national and local , Deputy Commissioner(DC), Upazilla Nirbahi Officer(UNO), In charge of Upazilla Disaster Control Room, Deferent Government line Officials, CPP Officer, Field workers & volunteer of Red Crescent Society, responsible NGO workers, Victims, listener club leaders, youth and youth women etc. were conducted and broadcasted with a local dialect.
Through these interviews, information was shared with the communities related to the preparedness for saving lives and assets. 91 community radio broadcasters and volunteers were broadcast the programs and community peoples were tuned the radio programs to get the updates related to cyclone storm “MORA”.
Radio stations have been maintaining liaison with the disaster monitoring cells at district and upazila level. Besides, they continued contact with the representatives Red Crescent, Scouts and other disaster volunteers at local levels. The members of Radio Listener Clubs have also been initiating awareness raising campaign on the preparedness activities within the community, neighbors and relatives. CRS representatives have participated in the coordination meetings related to of Upazilla and district level Disaster preparedness and Control committee.
All seven Community Radio Stations in the coastal zone namely Community Radio Naf 99.2 of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar; Sagor Giri 99.2 of Sitakund, Chittagong, Sagor Dwip 99.2 of Hatia, Noakhali; Meghna 99.0 of Charfasion, Bhola Island, Community Rural Radio: Krishi Radio 98.2 of Amtali, Barguna, Lokobetar 99.2, Barguna Sadar and Nalta 99.2 of Kaliganj, Satkhira have been operating the special radio programs continuously.
Radio programs targeted to draw the attention of the coastal communities for equipping them properly in advance for facing cyclone “MORA” and reduce the possible damage of lives and assets. Addressing the need of the communities, the stations kept their stations on-air mode for 24 hours by managing alternative power supply generators, sufficient fuel and operators standby.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has opened a help desk centrally to contact and coordinate with the CRSs and shared the updates, relevant documents on Cyclone preparedness, available PSA and weather bulletins forecasted from Bangladesh Metrological Department. Radio station level contact points were:
Mr. Siddiqur Hossain, Station Manager In-charge, Community Radio Naf, (Tekhnaf Upazila, Cox’s Bazar) Phone: +88 01716 53 00 58, E-Mail:
Mr. Sha Sultan Shamim, Station Manager, Community Radio Sagar Giri, Sitakunda Upazila, Chittagong, Phone: +88 01712 02 10 97 E-Mail:
Mr. Faisal Uddin, Station In-charge, Community Radio Sagor Dwip, Hatia, Upazila Noakhali
Phone: +88 01700604141 E-Mail:
Ms. Ankhi Rani, Assistant Station Manager, Community Radio Meghna, Charfasion Upazila,
Bhola Island, Phone: +8801719848282 E-Mail:
Mr. Shamim Mridha, Radio Focal person, Community Rural Radio Krishi Radio, Amtali Upazila Barguna, Phone: +8801713 68 88 89 E-Mail:
Mr. Monir Hossain Kamal, Station Manager, Community Radio Lokobetar , Barguna Sadar
Phone: +88 01716 32 71 51 E-Mail:
Mr. Selim Sharier, Station Manager, Community Radio Radio Nalta, Kaliganj, Satkhira
Phone: +88 01713902783 E-Mail:
Mr. Kamaruzzaman, Disaster Control Room In-charge of Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC), Dhaka Phone: 8801711131211 E-Mail:
AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR | Chief Executive Officer |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations]
House: 9/4 Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207| Bangladesh|
Phone: +88-02-9130750| 9101479 | Cell: +88 01711881647
Fax: 88-02-9138501 | E-mail: | |

Role of Community Radio in Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)