Saturday, December 29, 2012

World Radio Day 2013

13 February 2013 is the day proclaimed by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate radio as a strong, vital and necessary medium for society.

World Radio Day 2013 aims to improve international cooperation between broadcasters and encourage major networks and community radio to promote access to information and freedom of expression over the airwaves.

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication(BNNRC) is founding member of the International Committee for the World Radio Day (WRD), constituted by agreement among the most representative broadcasting organisations that supported the implementation of World Radio Day within the UN and other international bodies.

In cooperation with UNESCO the WRD Committee encourages all countries to celebrate World Radio Day by planning activities in partnership with regional, national and international broadcasters, NGOs, the media and the public.

Center stage for the activities on 13 February 2013 is a web platform on which all public, private, online and community radio organisations together with radio professionals and listeners worldwide can exchange their views and support for radio. As radio is all about listening, everyone is invited to upload sound bites (one-minute maximum length) to this website and download others for broadcast.

All radio organisations are also invited to ask their listeners to participate by publishing the promotional banners on their website or by sharing the link on Facebook or Twitter. To download a WRD banner please click here:

The International World Radio Day Committee consists:
ABU – Asia–Pacific Broadcasting Union
Academia EspaƱola de la Radio
AER – Association of European Radios
AIBD – Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
ASBU – Arab States Broadcasting Union
AUB – The African Union of Broadcasting
AMARC – World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters
BNNRC – Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
EBU – European Broadcasting Union
IAB – International Association of Broadcasting
ITU –International Telecommunication Union
URTI – International Radio and Television Union

AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council]
Head, Community Media Academy

House: 13/1, Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207  Bangladesh
Phone:             +88-02-9130750                  +88-02-9138501      , Cell: +88 01711881647
Fax: 88-02-9138501-105, 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Community Media News Agency in Bangladesh

Community Media for Development in Bangladesh

Bangladesh: Two New Community Radio Stations Approved by Ministry of Information

Dhaka 29 November, 2012: National Regulatory Committee for Community Radio of Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has approved two new community radio stations for Bhola and Hatiya Island.

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) is promoting advocacy with the government in relations to community radio with other organizations since its emergence from 2000.

It is really amazing that till toady 14 community radios are broadcasting 120 hours program in a day! Now community radio is taking place as an essential mass media within the lives of the rural people.

We would like to thanks to Ministry of Information of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh that they have approved community radio activities with the objectives to achieve empowerment and to ensure right to information of the rural people in line with Community Radio Installation, Broadcast and Operation Policy 2008.

Now 536 young boy and girls are working as rural broadcasters in 14 community radio stations. A total of 125 (98 male and 27 female) are now involved in community radio station management committees from the rural community and trying to achieve the ownership at the local level. The government officials and civil society at upazila/district level have joined in CR station Advisory Committee and started motivating the mass people to take part in local development and entertainment by using community radio as a platform for mutual learning.

In this way, these officials are taking a great role to build a knowledge-based society at rural level. The reality of today is that the bondage between the community people and local-level radio stations are getting strengthened day-by-day. Community Radio has now become their part of life. Community Radio becomes the instrument for the livelihood battle of the rural people.

Community Radio Directory in Bangladesh

We are pleased to present Directory of Community Radios in Bangladesh supported by International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC) of UNESCO.
The Directory will serve as an easy reference of Community Radio Stations in Bangladesh to development partners, officials of different Ministries of Government, Academia, researchers, media, and other profession groups working or taking interest on issue of community radio for development  in Bangladesh.
It is sincerely hoped that the information and short profile of community radio stations in Bangladesh will be useful to many different users in Bangladesh and abroad.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication is promoting the advocacy with the government in relations to community radio with other organizations since its emergence from 2000. BNNRC has been addressing the community radio and community TV access issue for over a decade, helping to bridge the information gap of rural Bangladesh.
The reality of today is that the bondage between the community people and local-level community radio stations are getting strengthened day-by-day. Community Radio has now become their part of life. Community Radio becomes the instrument for the livelihood battle of the rural people.
We have now started advocacy with the government of Bangladesh to open up community television. We hope that community television will come into being within a short time.

AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
[NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council]
Head, Community Media Academy

House: 13/1, Road: 2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207  Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-9130750, +88-02-9138501, Cell: +88 01711881647
Fax: 88-02-9138501-105,